Welcome to the Infinite Rabbit Hole! The podcast that always takes it one step further and has a habit of making you think twice about reality. One path may travel to the deepest forests of the Pacific Northwest to track down everyone's favorite upright walking monster, and the next path might lead us to the bottom of the ocean to discover the source of the Bloop, or maybe we get abducted and brought to Zeta Reticuli (that's if you believe that space is real of course). Jeremy, Jake, Jeff, & CJ provide their unique point of views through the world that parallels our own as they act as your guides through the Infinite Rabbit Hole!
Chairman Andre Carlson (Indiana’s 7th District) Chairman Andre Carlson began the hearing with a few questions and statements directed at two representatives of AOIMSG in attendance: With the June 2022 deadline for implementation fast…
Jake spends his time enjoying nature and would rather hike a trail, fish or ride his motorcycle than spend the day inside anytime. He believes in the truths found in the Bible and views the world through the lenses of Christianity and the love of Jesus.
Conspiracy minded truth seeker. Jeff believes nothing and everything all at once. He questions everything including his own theories and has plenty of them to go around. Put on your tin foil hat and strap in to your DeLorean because this ride is going to be wild!