Today we have our old Bossman, Jason Hewlett in the studio to chat Near Death Experiences and his upcoming book and documentary on the "Loch Ness Monster of Canada", Ogopogo. Welcome back to Infinite Rabbit Hole! infiniterabb...
Today we interview the legend known as Tim Binnall of the Binnall of America podcast. As a podcaster and editor for the Coast to Coast AM webiste ( ). Tim has had an incredible history of interviews and res...
On today's bonus episode, we dive into some more sightings of the famed Fouke Monster from 1908 to the 2020's. We cover everything from historical sightings of what was being called, the "Wildman", to when it was referred to ...
On May 3rd, 1971, the Texarkana Gazette would publish the first report of a large hairy biped in the area of and surrounding Fouke, Arkansas. This was only the first of many reports to follow and would later be discovered to ...
Today we dive into the murky waters of Lake Pepin, the lake within the Mississippi River that boarders the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota to discover the story of the Lake Monster known as Pepie! Welcome Back to Infinite R...
Today we welcome author and researcher Larry "Beans" Baxter to the Infinite Rabbit Hole to discuss his expeditions and research into the Portlock mystery and the Nantiinaq. Larry's book Abandoned, The History and Horror of Po...
The fishing village of Portlock, Alaska was abandoned in the 1950s and the stories ran rabid on why everyone would leave a still prosperous and lively town. The natives told stories of the vicious creature that stalked the wo...
On today's episode, we wrap up our coverage of the Ozark Howler and dive into a few United States Presidents who have personal ties with the creature! Welcome back to Infinite Rabbit Hole!
Welcome back Travelers! Today we spend some time with Jeremy's co-worker Lauren and discuss her chosen topic, the Ozark Howler. Lauren is credited with doing the artwork for the cover art on this episode and if you would like...
For our three-year anniversary, Jake and Jeremy are diving into the Ape Canyon story which tells of a small group of prospectors in 1924 who were targets of a barrage of attacks from a group of Sasquatch in an unnamed valley ...
The Loveland Frogmen are mysterious creatures and are one of the darling children of American Cryptozoology. The perfect subject for our very first installment of the Infinite Rabbit Hole Presents, Mini Docs: Loveland Frogmen...
Sometimes there's things that you will come across in your life that just don’t make much sense and dealing with an unknown upright walking giant Ape in the woods of North America is hard enough to believe, I get it. But what...
A terrible creature is in Scape Ore Swamp, just outside of Bishopville, South Carolina and it has terrified the the area off and on for almost 40 years. With reports ranging from a vicious attack on a teenager in the dead of ...
PART 2 On today's installment of the Researcher Spotlight Series, Author and Sasquatch Field Researcher, Carter Buschardt returns to the show to update us on the cases he presented to us in January of 2022 and to introduce us...
On today's installment of the Researcher Spotlight Series, Author and Sasquatch Field Researcher, Carter Buschardt returns to the show to update us on the cases he presented to us in January of 2022 and to introduce us to som...