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American Cryptids with Author Kenney W. Irish (Author Series)

Today we talk to our first author, Kenney W. Irish. Kenny Talks to us about his new book release American Cryptids: In Pursuit of the Elusive Creatures. His book's unique format allows anybody who picks up the book to have a unique and personalized experience through the world of cryptids throughout America. After discussing his book, Kenney peels back a few layers and tells us about the origins of the Cryptopunkologist and how he became so interested in mysterious creatures. At the end of our interview, we announce the upcoming dates and locations that he will be touring so that you may see him in person to listen to him speak at major cryptozoology venues or get a copy of this new book signed. Hang tight, strap in, and get ready to follow Kenney as he guides you through his path in the Infinite Rabbit Hole.

Kenney W. Irish

Twitter: KIrisheae

Instagram: @KenneyIrishAuthor