Welcome Back, To The Infinite Rabbit Hole!


Welcome to Infinite Rabbit Hole, the podcast that explores the depths of the worlds that parallel our own. Join us every other week as we explore everything from the far reaches of the multiverse to the vast caverns of open space beneath our feet. Some paths lead to the upright walking nightmares that stalk the forests of the world and some paths lead into your own subconscious. Where will the Infinite Rabbit Hole lead us this week? The only way to find out is to tune in! 

About the Hosts

JeremyProfile Photo



Whether the enigma comes from deep space, a parallel world, the swamp down the road, or within our own consciousness, Jeremy will be there to provide you its details and history. In order to do so, he has created this platform for you to enjoy contents of his labor, contents that come from a place deep within his own mind, a place called the Infinite Rabbit Hole.

JakeProfile Photo



Jake spends his time enjoying nature and would rather hike a trail, fish or ride his motorcycle than spend the day inside anytime. He believes in the truths found in the Bible and views the world through the lenses of Christianity and the love of Jesus.

JeffProfile Photo



Conspiracy minded truth seeker. Jeff believes nothing and everything all at once. He questions everything including his own theories and has plenty of them to go around. Put on your tin foil hat and strap in to your DeLorean because this ride is going to be wild!

CJProfile Photo



CJ went through a long, and dynamic religious and spiritual transformation. After losing faith in Christianity at a young age, he was introduced to metaphysics at 15. Experimenting with magic, and different pantheons, he found himself following the Norse traditions for many years, although not taking practice seriously until many years later. At about 25 spirituality and deities became more prevalent for him. CJ found himself studying various paths, from traditional religious, to hermeticism, until truly finding what he believes to be the way in December of 2021.

KenzarProfile Photo



Kenzar would much rather spend her time outdoors looking for a ghost town or cryptid, but it gets cold in the Great White North, so thats not always an option. Willing to dive deep into any topic, Kenzar loves a little bit of everything, and is always asking questions. Nothing can stop her from trying to find the answers, except maybe owls.