In this intriguing episode of Infinite Rabbit Hole, our hosts explore the mysterious Men in Black and their connections to UFO phenomena. They share chilling encounters and discuss the influential works of Gray Barker and Albert Bender, examining the thin line between storytelling and research in the paranormal. Delving into…
In this intriguing episode of Infinite Rabbit Hole, our hosts explore the mysterious Men in Black and their connections to UFO phenomena. They share chilling encounters and discuss the influential works of Gray Barker and Albert Bender, examining the thin line between storytelling and research in the paranormal. Delving into…
Thank you for joining us on our premiere episode as we dive into the legends of Louisiana's Rougarou and Honey Island Swamp Monster. Infinite Rabbit Hole Facebook Group: Infinite Rabbit Hole Webpage: Infinite Rabbit Hole Merch Site:
Our very first interview with Mike from Lousiana. In this episode Mike recounts his encounters involving a mysterious creature charging at him in the dead of night. Locally, the legends of the Rougarou and the Honey Island Swamp Monster terrorize the history of his town. Did Mike encounter one of…
In todays episode we discuss our opinions on the existence of Bigfoot. Join us as we state our cases for our opinions and stay till the end for Jeremy's personal story of his encounter with an upright walking hairy creature. Infinite Rabbit Hole Webpage: Infinite Rabbit Hole Merch Site:…
Derek has battled sleep paralysis on a very regular basis for almost 5 years now. Sometimes its just him trapped inside the cell that is his body, but sometimes he's not alone. Welcome back to Infinite Rabbit Hole! Infinite Rabbit Hole Webpage: Infinite Rabbit Hole Merch Site: Infinite…
Have you ever had a memory that turns out to be completely false? What if I told you that in the movie Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter Never says "Hello Clarice"..... at all? Don't fret, this is what's considered normal and we have many more examples for you. Journey…
Today we interview our good friend Savi and we discover what it means to be an Emotional Empath. Come hang out with us and enjoy her story involving her path to understanding her ability. If you have any questions for Savi, please reach out to us at our Infinite Rabbit…
People have been mysteriously disappearing from the National Parks in the United States for many years. On today's episode we uncover the strange circumstances of a few of these cases and dive into the history of the Missing 411 movement. Is the U.S. Federal Government hiding something? Are Sasquatches taking…
A two year old boy goes missing in the blink of an eye, two miles away a short line of small human footprints are found in the middle of a snow covered field as if someone magically appeared and then disappeared. 18 hours later and five more miles away, the…
Where are all of the aliens? Stories of flying saucers and little green men have engulfed the minds of people since the beginning of recorded history. But why do we not see them everyday? What is their agenda? Where do they come from? Do they really travel vast distances only…
Eventually mankind will have to leave Earth in order to survive. The sun will grow to a size that will engulf Mercury, Venus, and possibly even Earth itself. The Race to find new horizons and how to get there has begun and time will eventually run out for us. Can…
What would our new home planet look like? what would it need to have for us to survive? And, how do we get there? On this episode we conclude last week's discussion on our imminent departure from this planet and our search for a new home. Stay tuned after the…
Thank you!!! to all of the people who have taken the time to listen to and support our show. To show our appreciation for you, we are happy to produce this episode 100% with you in mind. Every question and comment referred to in this episode came directly from our…
Dogmen, Jinns, and UFOs... Oh MY! Join us and the cast of Cryptid Technical as we dive into the world of the strange. CJ, Chris, and Andrew introduce us to their podcast which dives deep into the roster of the world's Cryptids and we talk abut personal encounters with a…
Randall grew up in the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina, a place shrouded in dark history. From a strange creature with a deer's head and a human's body, to orbs of lights, and a demonic or spiritual presence. Randall take us on the ride of his life in this one…
On the season 1 finale of Infinite Rabbit Hole, The guys break down the historic Patterson-Gimlin film. This impressive piece of evidence of the existence of Sasquatch has been the center point of Bigfoot research since it was filmed in 1967 and is the only mainstream recording of the creature…
On the night of September 1st 1969 in Berkshire County Massachusetts, an event unfolded that would propel this sleepy county into the history books of UFOlogists and change the direction of those involved. Come with us as we take a deep dive into the details of the famous Berkshire UFO…